Bauhinia purpurea seeds

Philiostigma malabarica Bauhinia malabarica Phanera purpurea Caspareopsis purpurea,orchid tree,purple bauhinia,camel’s foot, butterfly tree, and Hawaiian orchid tree


tree or shrub;
Plant: up to 10 meters tall;
Branches: Slightly hairy when young;
Leaf: The leaf is nearly round, 10-15 cm long, the apex is divided to 1/3-1/2 of the leaf length, the apex of the lobes is rounded or nearly acute, the base is shallow heart-shaped, both sides are hairless or the underside is sparsely soft. Hairy; basal veins 9-11; petiole 3-4 cm long;
Flowers: lateral or terminal racemes, few flowers, 6-12 cm long, sometimes 2-4 are born on the top of branches to form compound racemes, covered with brown silk hairs; flower buds are more or less spindle-shaped, with 4-5 Ribbed or narrow-winged, apex blunt; pedicel 7-12 mm long; calyx flame-shaped, one side cracked to the base into 2 externally reversed lobes, 2-2.5 cm long, slightly cracked at the apex, one of which has 2 teeth, the other One leaf has 3 teeth; petals are pink, oblanceolate, 4-5 cm long, veined and long petiole; 3 fertile stamens, filaments as long as petals; 5-6 staminodes, 6-10 long mm; ovary has a long stalk, covered with yellow-brown silk hairs, stigma slightly larger, oblique shield-shaped.
Fruit: The pod is band-shaped, flat, 12-15 cm long, 2-2.5 cm wide, slightly sickle-shaped;
Seeds: Seeds are nearly round, flat, 1.2-1.5 cm in diameter, with dark brown seed coat;



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