Ravenala madagascariensis seeds

traveller’s tree or traveller’s palm


Stem: The stem is like a palm, 5-6 meters high (up to 30 meters in the original place);
Leaves: 2 rows of leaves, arranged on the top of the stem and shaped like a large folding fan; the leaves are oblong, like banana leaves, up to 2 meters long, with long petioles and sheaths;
Flowers: The inflorescence is axillary, shorter than the petiole, and consists of 10-12 spathes arranged in 2 rows on the inflorescence axis; the spathes are 25-35 cm long, boat-shaped; the flowers are bisexual, white, on the spathes Arranged in scorpion-tailed cymes; sepals 3, separated, almost equal; petals 3, similar to sepals, nearly equal in length, only the central one is slightly narrower; stamens 6, separated; ovary flat, 3-chambered, each There are many ovules in the chamber, the style is linear, the stigma is spindle-shaped, with 6 short teeth;
Fruit: The capsule is woody, with 3-lobed dorsal chamber and many seeds;
Seed: Seed is kidney-shaped, 10-12 cm long, enclosed in a blue or red torn aril;



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