Acacia lebbeck seeds

Albizia lebbeck  Feuilleea lebbeck  Mimosa lebbeck 


deciduous trees;
Plant: up to 12 meters tall;
Branches: Young branches are densely pubescent, old branches are hairless;
Leaves: Bipinnately compound leaves; there are glands near the base of the petiole and where the pinnae are on the rachis, and the glands are hairless; the rachis is pubescent or hairless; the pinnae are 2-4 pairs, long 6-15 cm; leaflets 4-8 pairs, oblong or slightly oblique oblong, 2-4.5 cm long, apex blunt or slightly concave, both sides hairless or sparsely puberulent below, midrib slightly upward edge;
Flowers: Capitulum 3-4 cm in diameter; peduncle usually 7-9 cm long, with 1 to several clustered leaf axils; pedicel 3-5 mm long; flowers fragrant, calyx tubular, about 4 mm long, puberulent ; Corolla yellow-green, 7-8 mm long, lobes triangular-ovate; stamens white or light yellow-green;
Fruit: The pods are band-shaped, 15-28 cm long, flat, straw-colored, shiny, hairless, often persisting on trees and never falling off;
Seeds: 4-12 seeds, oval, about 1 cm long, brown;



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