Alocasia macrorrhiza seeds

Alocasia macrorrhiza,it is also called Alocasia odora,it’s  a large evergreen herb.


Stem: with creeping rhizomes; with upright above-ground stems, some less than 10 cm high, some 3-5 meters high, with adventitious buds at the base;
Leaves: Many leaves; subleathery, grass green, arrow-shaped ovate, 50-90 cm long, wavy edges, posterior lobes united 1/5-1/10, lateral veins ascending; petiole green or purple, spiral Arranged in a shape, thick and up to 1.5 meters long;
Flowers: 2-3 peduncles clustered, cylindrical, 12-60 cm long, green, sometimes purple; spathe tube is green, oval or short elliptical, 3-5 cm long, eaves yellow-green boat-shaped , oblong, 10-30 cm long, slightly downward curved, with a beak-shaped apex; fragrant spikes: female inflorescences are white, 2-4 cm long, sterile male inflorescences are green-white, (2.5-)5-6 cm long; Fertile male inflorescences are light yellow, 3-7 cm long; appendages are light green or creamy yellow, conical, 3-5.5 cm long, with irregular grooves;
Fruit: berry red, egg-shaped, 0.8-1 cm long, 1-2 seeds;



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