Asclepias incarnata seeds

Swamp Milkweed, Pink Milkweed

It is a perennial herb that likes a warm and humid climate, likes light, is drought-tolerant, and is extremely tolerant of low temperatures. It does not have very strict soil requirements. However, it grows vigorously in rich sandy soil, and long-term stagnant water is not good for its growth.

Suitable for garden planting, flower beds and cut flowers.

They grow in moist soil and have eye-catching flowers. Due to their large amount of nectar, they are especially loved by butterflies and other pollinating insects. Its milky white sap is poisonous and is a chemical weapon against insects and herbivores, but it also has specific Butterfly larvae specialize in feeding, so it is also an essential plant in the butterfly garden. A butterfly garden is more than just flowers. A suitable habitat for butterflies not only provides nectar and pollen for the adults, but also requires host plants for the butterflies to lay their eggs and for their larvae, which are large fleshy bugs, to eat.

white and pink colors are available.



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