Atriplex canescens seeds


Perennial semi-evergreen shrub, up to 2 meters high, with no obvious main stem, many branches, alternate leaves, strip-shaped or lanceolate leaves, tapered or blunt leaf tips, green on the front and gray-green or green-red on the back. There are more powder particles. Flowers unisexual or bisexual, monoecious or dioecious. There are several male flowers in clusters and several female flowers in the leaf axils. There is no perianth. The bracts are bilobed. Hermaphrodite flowers are in the leaf axils. The fruit is a cell fruit and the seeds are oval. The first flowering period is in mid-June and the full flowering period is in late June. .
It is a pioneer tree species for reclamation, improvement of degraded pastures, restoration of ruined areas in industrial and mining areas, vegetation on both sides of roads, desert areas with high salt content, and soil and water conservation.



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