Calotropis procera seeds

Calotropis procera seeds, it’s a shrub, it is also called Apple of Sodom, Sodom apple, king’s crown,rubber bush, and rubber tree, dead Sea Apple.


Plant: up to 5 meters tall;
Branches: Young branches covered with gray-white hairs;
Leaves: The leaves are obovate or oblong, 7-30 cm long, with blunt apex and heart-shaped base. Both sides are covered with gray-white hairs, which gradually fall off when old. The lateral veins are 4-8 pairs and are distant; the petiole is 1-4 long. mm;
Flowers: cymes are umbrella-shaped, covered with gray-white tomentose, peduncle thick, 5-12 cm long; pedicel 2-2.5 cm long; buds cylindrical; calyx nearly flat, 1.2-1.5 cm in diameter; corolla purplish blue, base light Green, radial, 2.5-3.5 cm in diameter, lobes ovate, 1-L5 cm long, flat or reflexed, edges recurved; secondary corolla shorter than corolla;
Fruit: Follicles are obliquely elliptic or oblong-lanceolate, 5-10 cm long, pubescent, with both ends inwardly curved;
Seed: The seed is wide and oval, 5-7 mm long, and the seed hairs are 2.5-4 cm long;
Chromosome: 2n=22;



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