Cucumis melo

Oriental melon seeds

Oriental melon seeds honeydew melon seeds Cucumis melo var. makuwa Makino seeds 

Sweet melon habits:

The fruit is pear-shaped, with the upper part slightly thicker than the lower part, both ends rounded or slightly truncated, smooth and hairless, light green, with vertical lines, white or light green flesh, no sweet or fragrant taste. Flowering and fruiting period in summer. It is shiny, rich in aroma, with white flesh, no pulp and seeds, sweet as candied fruit, crisp and juicy, delicious and unique in flavor, and has high nutritional value. It can be used for cooking or eaten raw as a fruit.

Melon seeds Planting instructions:
Melons are most suitable for planting in sandy loam soil with deep soil, good permeability, pH value of 5.5-8.0, and low water accumulation. Soil that is too acidic or too alkaline needs to be improved before cultivation.
Melon likes light and needs 10-12 hours of light every day to maintain normal growth and development. When cultivating in a heated greenhouse, try to use plastic films and glass with high transparency and no water droplets hanging on them. Melon likes temperature, is heat-tolerant, and is extremely resistant to cold.
The seed germination temperature is 15-37°C, and open field sowing in early spring should be stable above 15°C to avoid seed rot. The optimum growth temperature for plants is 25-30°C, and they can grow within 14-45°C. The optimum temperature for flowering is 25°C, and the optimum temperature for fruit ripening is 30°C. The temperature difference between day and night has a great impact on the quality of melons. The large temperature difference between day and night is conducive to the accumulation of sugar and the improvement of fruit quality.




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