Cucumismelo var.agrestis seeds

round green color, vine, Ornamental mini watermelons, like cucumbers

SKU: C06702 分类:

Cucumismelo var.agrestis seeds

Planting description:

Germination temperature: 18-25degrees
Growth temperature: 20-25 degrees
Germination time: 7-9 days
Plant height: vine, creeping plant
Crown width of adult plant:30-50cm
Sowing to flowering: 100-110days
Light needs: Likes full sun
Fruit color:round shape green color mini tiny watermelon

Characteristics:Suitable for potted viewing, the cultivation method is the same as cucumber. It has no strict requirements on the soil, is resistant to high temperatures, has a well-developed root system, has strong water absorption and drought resistance, but is not tolerant to waterlogging.



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