Cyperus Alternifolius seeds

Cyperus alternifolius, the umbrella papyrus, umbrella sedge or umbrella palm, is a grass-like perennial upright herb plant.


Stem: The rhizome is thick and short, and the fibrous roots are hard;
Flowers: long lateral branch cymes reappearing, sparsely spreading, with many first radiating branches, 8 cm long, each radiating branch has 4-10 second radiating branches, 1.5 cm long; spikes with 3-8 Spikelets, the inflorescence axis is short; spikelets densely radiate from the upper end of the branches for the second time, spreading obliquely, oval or oblong-lanceolate, 3-8 mm long, 1.5-3 mm wide, flat, with 6-30 flowers; Spinicles are wingless; scales are densely arranged in a tile-like arrangement, ovate, with a short apex, about 2 mm long, membranous, with green middle on the back, pale or rusty spots on both sides, 3-5 veins; stamens 3 , anthers linear; style short, stigma 3;
Fruit: Small nut, oval or obovate-elliptical, nearly rib-shaped, about 1/3 of the scale, brown;



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