Delonix regia seeds

Poinciana regia Delonix regia var. genuina Delonix regia var. flavida,royal poinciana, flamboyant, phoenix flower,flame of the forest, or flame tree,Flamboyant


Tall deciduous tree, thornless;
Plant: more than 20 meters high, with a diameter at breast height of up to 1 meter; bark rough, grey-brown; crown oblate, with many and spreading branches; branchlets are often pubescent and have obvious lenticels;
Leaves: The leaves are bipinnately compound leaves, 20-60 cm long, with stipules; the lower stipules are obviously pinnately split, and the upper ones are bristly; the petiole is 7-12 cm long, smooth to short and soft. The hairs are grooved on the upper part and the base is swollen and cushion-shaped; the pinnae are opposite, 15-20 pairs, 5-10 cm long; the leaflets are 25 pairs, densely opposite, oblong, 4-8 mm long and 3- 4 mm, both sides covered with sericeous hairs, apex blunt, base oblique, margin entire; midrib obvious; petiole short;
Flowers: corymb-shaped racemes terminal or axillary; flowers are large and beautiful, 7-10 cm in diameter, bright red to orange-red, with 4-10 cm long pedicels; flowers are tray-shaped or short top-shaped; sepals 5, inside Red, with greenish-yellow edges; 5 petals, spoon-shaped, red, with yellow and white spots, 5-7 cm long, 3.7-4 cm wide, recurved toward the calyx after flowering, petiole slender, about 2 cm long; 10 stamens; red, varying in length, 3-6 cm long, curved upward, filaments thick, lower part covered with wool, anthers red, about 5 mm long; ovary about 1.3 cm long, yellow, pubescent, Sessile or short-stalked, style 3-4 cm long, stigma small, truncate;
Fruit: The pod is belt-shaped, flat, 30-60 cm long, 3.5-5 cm wide, slightly curved, dark reddish brown, dark brown when mature, with persistent style at the top; 20-40 seeds, horizontally oblong, smooth , hard, yellow with brown spots, about 15 mm long and 7 mm wide;



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