Duranta aurea seeds

Duranta aurea, it is also called Duranta erecta ‘Golden Leaves’


Plant: up to 3 meters tall;
Branches: Branches are prickly;
Leaves: The leaves are ovate-elliptic or ovate-lanceolate, with short pointed or blunt apex, wedge-shaped base, entire edge or serrated above the middle, and pubescent; the leaves are yellow, especially the new leaves.
Flower: Raceme panicle; calyx is tubular, hairy, 5-lobed, 5-ribbed; corolla is blue-purple, slightly irregular, 5-lobed, with flat lobes and slightly hairy inside and outside;
Fruit: Drupe is spherical, glabrous, about 5 mm in diameter, red and yellow, covered with persistent calyx;



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