Echinops gmelinii seeds

Echinops gmelinii, echinops spinosus seeds


annual herb;
Plant: 10-90 cm tall;
Root: The root is straight and tapered;
Stem: Stem solitary, stems and branches light yellow, sparsely covered with glandular hairs;
Leaves: The lower cauline leaves are linear or linear-lanceolate, with spinous teeth or triangular spine-tooth lobes or spiny cilium on the edges; the middle and upper cauline leaves are the same shape as the lower cauline leaves; the leaves are papery, green on both sides, and sparsely integumentary. Spider-like hairs and glandular spots;
Flowers: compound capitate on solitary stem top or branch end, 2-3 cm in diameter, with white base hairs, 1 cm long, fine hairs, and hispic edges; involucral bracts 16-20, outer linear oblanceolate Shape, there are long spider-like hairs at the base of the claws, the middle layer is oblanceolate, 1.3 cm long, the upper part of the back is covered with rough hairs, the lower part of the back is covered with long spider-like hairs, the inner layer is oblong, the middle awn is long, and the back Covered with long spider-like hairs; small flowers blue or white;
Fruit: Achenes are obconical, densely covered with long straight light yellowish-brown hairs, covering the pappus;



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