Imperata cylindrica seeds

cogongrass, kunai grass seeds


Perennial, with thick long rhizomes;
Plant: 30-80 cm high, with 1-3 nodes, the nodes are hairless;
Leaf: Leaf sheaths are gathered at the base of the culm, longer than the internodes, thick in texture, and broken into fibrous shapes when old; the ligule is membranous, about 2 mm long, close to its back or the mouth of the sheath is pubescent, and the tillering leaves are about 2 mm long. 20 cm, about 8 mm wide, flat, thin texture; culm leaves 1-3 cm long, narrow linear, usually incurved, apex tapering to a spiny shape, lower part tapering, or stalked, hard, covered with White powder, softly hairy on the base;
Flowers: Dense panicles, 20 cm long and 3 cm wide, spikelets 4.5-5(-6) mm long, base plate with filamentous pubescence 12-16 mm long; both spikelets are herbaceous and the edges are membranous. Nearly equal, with 5-9 veins, apex acuminate or slightly blunt, often ciliated, filamentous hairs sparsely grown between veins, first lemma ovate-lanceolate, 2/3 as long as the glume, transparent and membranous , veinless, with a sharp or toothed apex, the second lemma is nearly equal to its inner lemma, about half the length of the lemma, oval, with toothed and ciliated apex; 2 stamens, anthers 3-4 mm long; style Slender, more or less connected at the base, stigma 2, purple-black, pinnate, about 4 mm long, extending from the top of the spikelet;
Fruit: The caryopsis is oval, about 1 mm long, and the embryo is half the length of the caryopsis;



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