Perennial herbaceous plant with elegant flower shape, interesting, good adaptability, regardless of soil, tolerant to low temperature, drought and shade. It is suitable for use as slopes, lawns, flower mirrors, backgrounds or cut flowers in landscaping. It can also be grown as a medicinal material in a large area with high economic benefits.
Stem: Rhizome obliquely extending, yellowish brown;
Leaves: Leaves are alternate, sword-shaped, without midrib, in 2 interlocking rows, 20-40 cm long and 2-4 cm wide;
Flower: The inflorescence is forked and branched; there are membranous bracts on the pedicels and branches of the inflorescence; the flowers are orange-red with purple-brown spots, 4-5 cm in diameter; the perianth lobes are obovate or oblong, about 2.5 cm long. About 1 cm wide, the inner whorl is slightly shorter and narrower than the outer whorl lobes; the stamens and anthers are linearly dehiscent, 1.8-2 cm long; the stigma has fine short hairs, and the ovary is obovate;
Fruit: The capsule is obovate, 2.5-3 cm long, with dorsally dehiscent fruit valves everted, and an upright fruit axis in the center;
Seeds: Seeds are spherical, black-purple, shiny;