Kigelia africana seeds

Kigelia africana, common name: Sausage tree


large tree;
Plant: 20 meters high, about 1 meter in diameter at breast height, and about 2 meters high under the branches;
Leaves: Odd-pinnate compound leaves, alternately opposite or whorled, rachis 7.5-15 cm long; leaflets 7-9, oblong or obovate, entire, below light green, slightly pubescent, nearly leathery, pinnate veins;
Flowers: Inflorescences are pendulous, 0.5-1 meter long; flowers are sparse, 6-10 flowers; calyx is bell-shaped, nearly leathery, 4.5-5 cm long, about 2 cm in diameter; corolla is orange or brown, with oval lobes , the upper lip has 2 smaller lobes, and the lower lip has 3 larger lobes, spread out, the corolla tube has raised longitudinal ribs; the stamens are exposed, and the anthers are shaped like a glyph;
Fruit: The fruit is drooping, cylindrical, about 38 cm long, 12-15 cm in diameter, hard and indestructible, with a stem 8 cm long;



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