Lavandula angustifolia seeds

English lavender seeds


Small shrub, covered with stellate tomentose;
Strain: covered with stellate tomentose;
Stem: The stem bark peels off in strips;
Branches: The flowers and leaves are sparse, the leaves are clustered, linear or lanceolate, the leaves on the flower branches are 3-5 cm long and 3-5 mm wide, and the leaves on the foliage branches are 1.7 cm long and 2 mm wide, densely covered with gray-white star-like hairs. The apex is blunt, the base narrows into a short stalk, and the entire edge is rolled out;
Flowers: Flowers and leaves are sparse and clustered, linear or lanceolate. The leaves on the flower branches are 3-5 cm long and 3-5 mm wide, and the leaves on the foliage branches are 1.7 cm long and 2 mm wide. They are densely covered with gray-white star-like hairs. The apex is blunt, the base narrows into a short stalk, and the entire edge is rolled out; the cymbale has 6-10 flowers, most of which form spikes about 3 (-5) cm long, and the peduncle is 9 (-15) cm long; bracts Rhomboid-ovate; calyx 4-5 mm long, 13-veined, densely covered with gray stellate tomentos; upper lip entire, lower lip with 4 equal teeth; corolla blue, 0.8-1 cm long, densely covered with gray stellate linear hairs. The base is nearly hairless, the throat and crown eaves are covered with glandular hairs, the inner surface is slightly puberulent, the upper lip extends straight, the 2 lobes are round, slightly overlapping, and the lower lip spreads;
Fruit: small nuts 4;



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