deciduous trees;
Plant: 30 meters in height, 1 meter in diameter at breast height;
Leaves: Two to three odd-pinnate leaves, 20-40 cm long; leaflets ovate, elliptical or lanceolate, 3-7 cm long, 2-3 cm wide, apex acuminate, base wedge-shaped or round, It has blunt teeth, is covered with stellate hairs when young and falls off later, and has 12-16 pairs of lateral veins;
Flowers: The flowers are fragrant; the calyx has 5 deep lobes, and the lobes are ovate or oblong-ovate; the petals are lavender, obovate, spatulate, about 1 cm long, and hairy on both sides; the filament tube is purple, 7-8 mm long, with 10 narrow lobes, each lobe with 2-3 toothed lobes, 10 anthers, inserted on the inner side of the lobes: ovary with 5-6 cells;
Fruit: Drupe is spherical or oval, 1-2 cm long, 0.8-1.5 cm in diameter;
Melia azedarach seeds
Melia toosendan Melia chinensis Melia azedarach var. toosendan Melia azedarach var. intermedia Melia azedarach var. subtripinnata Melia japonica var. semperflorens Melia azedarach var. japonica subvar. intermedia Melia azedarach subvar. intermedia,chinaberry tree,pride of India,bead-tree, Cape lilac,syringa berrytree,Persian lilac,Indian lilac, or white cedar