Mentha rotundifolia seeds

False Applemint,Egyptian Mint, Roundleaved Mint,Bigleaf Mint

SKU: M15701 分类:

Mentha rotundifolia seeds

Planting description:

Germination temperature: 13-16 degrees
Growth temperature: 10-25 degrees
Germination time: 8-10 days
Plant height: 30-50cm
Crown width of adult plant:20-30cm
Sowing to flowering: 150-160 days
Light needs: Likes full sun and half shade
Flowering color: light purple colors

Growth habits:Mentha rotundifolia, commonly known as round-leaved mint or apple mint, is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family. It is a species of mint that is native to Europe, but it is also cultivated in other parts of the world for its aromatic leaves.

Mentha rotundifolia has a spreading growth habit, sending out runners (stolons) that allow it to form dense mats of foliage.

Mentha rotundifolia is a relatively low-maintenance plant. It requires regular watering to keep the soil consistently moist. It benefits from regular pruning to control its growth and prevent it from becoming invasive. Pruning can be done by cutting back the stems to encourage bushier growth and to harvest the leaves for culinary use.

It’s worth noting that as with other mint plants, Mentha rotundifolia can be quite vigorous and has the potential to spread rapidly. Therefore, it is often recommended to grow it in containers or within confined areas to prevent it from taking over the garden.



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