Myrsine africana seeds

Myrsine africana var. acuminata Rhamnus myrtillus Myrsine bifaria Myrsine potama Myrsine vaccinifolia Myrsine microphylla Myrsine africana var. retusa Myrsine africana var. glandulosa Myrsine africana var. bifaria, Cape myrtle, African boxwood or thakisa


Branches: Young branches are rust-colored puberulent;
Leaves: Phoebe-shaped obovate, nearly round, obovate, oblong or lanceolate, 1-2 (3) cm long, 0.7-1 cm wide, apex obtuse, with short prickly tips, base wedge-shaped, middle part The upper part has thorn-tip serrations, and the lower part often has small glandular points, with many edges and many lateral veins, which are not obvious and are not connected into side veins; the petiole is short or almost absent, extending down to the branchlets;
Flowers: Flowers in clusters or nearly umbels, axillary, with 4 flowers, the base of the calyx is slightly united, the base of the corolla is united into a tube; the stamens extend slightly out of the corolla, the base of the filaments are united into a tube, the pistil is longer than the stamens, and the style is elongated;
Fruit: Fruit is spherical, red to purple-black, bright;



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