Origanum vulgare seeds

Micromeria formosana Origanum normale Origanum creticum Origanum vulgare var. formosanum Oregano


Herbaceous perennial, usually 12 cm tall;
Stem: The stem is up to 60 cm high, erect or lying near the base, slightly purplish, inverted or slightly curly pubescent; the rhizome is oblique and slightly woody;
Leaves: Leaves are ovate or oblong-ovate, 1-4 cm long, with blunt apex, wide and rounded base, entire or sparsely toothed, bright green with purple halo above, sparsely villous, densely pubescent below. Villous, with glandular spots on both sides; petiole 2-7 mm long, pubescent;
Flowers: Spikes are long cylindrical; bracts are mostly sessile, purple, with green or purple halo, oblong, obovate or oblanceolate; calyx is about 3 mm long, covered with fine hirsute hairs or nearly hairless. , the calyx teeth are triangular, about 0.5 mm long; the corolla is purple-red or white, tubular bell-shaped, 5-7 mm long; the corolla tube of both sexes is 5 mm long, extending out of the calyx, and the female corolla tube is about 3 mm long, both sparsely pubescent. , upper lip ovate, 2-lobed, lower lip lobes oblong-ovate;
Fruit: Small nut brown, about 0.6 mm long, with rounded top;



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