Parkinsonia aculeata seeds


Shrubs or small trees, with thorns;
Plant: up to 6 meters tall; bark smooth and green;
Stem: spurred, up to 6 meters tall;
Leaves: bipinnately compound leaves; rachis and stipules turn into spines; 1-3 pairs of pinnae clustered on spiny, very short rachis; rachis green and flat, up to 40 cm long; small leaves Very small but numerous, obovate oval, obovate oblong or oblong, 2.5-8.5 mm;
Flowers: Racemes axillary, with sparse flowers; pedicels 1.5-1.7 cm long; stalks lanceolate; flowers tray-shaped; sepals 5, oblong, about 6 mm long, apex blunt; petals 5, yellow, spatulate Shape, apex rounded and blunt, the uppermost piece is about 1.1 cm long and 6 mm wide; stamens are 10, free, not extending out of the corolla, and the base of the filaments is villous;
Fruit: pods are beads-shaped, 7.5-10.5 cm long;



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