Paste Tomatoes Seeds Solanum Lycopersicum

Cherry tomato f1 hybrid amish paste tomato

SKU: D1540 分类:

Paste tomato super sweet 100 hybrid seeds tomato f1 tomato plants taste similar to heinz 9661 F1 tomatos


Plant:Large vine, prostrate.
Maturity:85 days after transplanting.
Fruit:80gr, elongated square shape, bright red color.
Soluble Solids:5.1° Brix.
Cultivation:Spring to Autumn season in outdoor.
Disease resistance:Va, Vd, Fol:0-2-3, ToMV, TMV, Pst, TSWV, Ma, Mi, Mj, Rs.
Comments:Full season, Paste and Ketchup tomato, Mechanical harvest.



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