Thespesia populnea seeds


evergreen tree;
Plant: About 6 meters high;
Branches: Branchlets have brown shield-shaped fine scales; leaves are ovate and heart-shaped, 7-18 cm long, long tail-shaped apex, heart-shaped base, entire edge, hairless above, sparsely scaled below; petiole 4-10 cm long cm, squamous; stipules linear-lanceolate, about 7 mm long;
Leaves: Triangular leaves, 6-12 cm long, 6-12 cm wide, apex caudate-acuminate, base truncate or slightly heart-shaped, entire margin, both sides covered with scales; stipules linear-lanceolate, long 2-3 mm, often falls early;
Flowers: Flowers solitary in leaf axils; pedicel 2.5-6 cm long, densely scaled; bracteoles 3-4, linear-lanceolate, 0.8-1 cm long, scaled, often falling early; calyx cup-shaped, Truncated, about 1.5 cm in diameter, with 5 pointed teeth, densely covered with scales; corolla is bell-shaped, yellow, with a purple patch at the inner base, about 5 cm long; stamens are about 2.5 cm long; style is rod-shaped, with 5 grooves at the end ;
Fruit: The capsule is pear-shaped, about 5 cm in diameter; the seeds are triangular and oval, about 9 mm long, covered with brown cilia and veins in between;



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