Thevetia Peruviana seeds

Cascabela thevetia, yellow Oleander


Small tree or shrub, up to 6 meters tall;
Plant: up to 6 meters tall; bark brown with obvious lenticels;
Stem: bark brown with obvious lenticels;
Branches: Branchlets drooping;
Leaves: Leathery, linear-lanceolate or linear, 10-15 cm long, 0.5-1.2 cm wide, apex acuminate, light green below, lateral veins not obvious; petiole about 3 mm long;
Flowers: The flowers are fragrant, the pedicel is 2.5-5 cm long; the calyx lobes are green, narrow triangular, with a pointed tip; the corolla is 6-7 cm long, 4.5-5.5 cm in diameter, the lobes are longer than the corolla tube, and the throat scales are hairy;
Fruit: Drupe is flat, triangular and spherical, 2.5-4 cm in diameter;
Seeds: Seeds are light gray, about 2 cm long and 3.5 cm in diameter;



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