Tomato Indeterminate Seed 350g Solanum lycopersicum

Tomato indeterminate seeds

SKU: QTM112 分类:

Best tomato seeds hybrid indoor indeterminate tomato seeds for sale


Plant habit: Indeterminate indoor tomatoes
Maturity: Early
Setting plant:20-25 fruits
Fruit shape: Flat round
Fruit color: Red fruits
Skin features: red peel, 0.9cm of peel thickness, fruit has no green shoulder
Flesh Features: 5 heart chambers, sour taste
Average weight: 350-400g
Disease resistance: ToMV: 0-2/ TSWV/ TYLCV/ Ss/ For/ tomato ringspot virus/ tomato yellow leaf curl virus.

Tomato seeds QTM 112 is good performance in the field, high yield and high tolerance to disease. Strong adaptation in open field and greenhouse.



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