terminalia catappa seeds

tropical almond or Indian almond, country almond, Indian almond, Malabar almond, sea almond, tropical almond,beach almond and false kamani


large tree;
Branches: The branches are densely covered with brownish-yellow hairs near the top;
Leaves: Leaves are alternate, often densely packed on the top of branches, obovate, 12-22 cm long, apex obtuse or short pointed, middle and lower parts tapering, base truncated or narrowly heart-shaped, both sides hairless or the underside sparsely covered with soft hairs when young. The margin is entire, sparsely wavy, the midrib is thick, and it is concave into a shallow groove on the upper surface. The base is tomentose near the petiole, and there are 10-12 pairs of lateral veins with dense veins; the petiole is thick, 1-1.5 cm long, and hairy;
Flowers: Spikes are slender, axillary, 15-20 cm long, male flowers are located in the upper part, and hermaphrodite flowers are located in the lower part; flowers are mostly green or white, about 1 cm long; no petals; calyx tube is cup-shaped, hairless, inner surface is covered White pubescent, calyx teeth 5, triangular, almost as long as the calyx tube; 10 stamens, extending outside the calyx; disc with 5 glands, covered with white coarse hairs; ovary is hairy when young; style thick; ovules 2;
Fruit: The fruit is oval, often slightly flat, with 2 longitudinal ribs and a narrow wing-like edge on the ribs. It is 3-4.5 cm long and 2.5-3.1 cm wide, with slightly tapered ends. The peel is woody, hairless, and green when ripe. black;
Seeds: Seed 1, oblong, oily;



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