Flueggea virosa seeds

Xylophylla obovata Securinega obovata Securinega multiflora Securinega virosa Phyllanthus virosus Flueggea sinensis Flueggea obovata Flueggea microcarpa Cicca obovata Acidoton virosus Acidoton obovatus


Plant: up to 6 meters tall;
Leaves: The leaves are papery, oval, oblong or nearly round, 2-5 cm long, with a small tip at the apex, cuneate base, entire edge, white-green underneath, 5-8 pairs of lateral veins; petiole 2- 9 mm, stipules lanceolate;
Flowers: Flowers clustered in leaf axils; bracts scaly; male flower pedicel 3-6 mm long; sepals 5, ovate stamens 5, filaments 1-3 mm long, anthers elliptical, extending out of the sepals; disk glands 5; female flowers 3-10 flowers in clusters, sometimes solitary. Pedicel 0.2-1.2 cm long; sepals the same as male flowers; disc annular, entire apex; ovary oval, 3-chambered, styles 3, connate at base, 2-lobed at apex, lobes outside bend;
Fruit: Capsule is berry-shaped, nearly spherical, 3-5 mm in diameter, pale white when ripe, indehiscent;
Seeds: Seeds are chestnut brown, shiny;



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