zea mays var. saccharata seeds

sweet corn maize seeds zea mays var. saccharata seeds

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Maize variety habits:

Best sweet corn is an annual crop seeds, and it takes about 60 days from sowing to harvesting. Fruit sweet corn is rich in nutrients, sweet, fresh, crisp and tender, and is favored by consumers from all walks of life. It has high edible value, thin, crispy and sweet skin, and good taste when eaten raw. Suitable for cooking, quick-frozen or fresh-keeping processing of fresh ears.

Fruit corn characteristics:

Sweet corn is a species of Zea mays in the family Poaceae.
The stems are upright and up to 3 meters high. The stalk is thick, with long internodes, leaves at the nodes, and long and large leaf sheaths surrounding the stem; the lower part is close to the ground and prone to adventitious roots at several nodes, which are inserted directly into the soil to support the stem; the flowers are monoecious and dioecious, with male flowers growing on the top. It is spike-shaped. The female flowers are spike-shaped and are born between the leaf sheaths. There are purple-red pistils on the top, and the style is soft and drooping.
Because the content of protein, fat, lysine and tryptophan in the tender-grained fruit is richer than that of ordinary corn, it is known as “fruit corn”.

Sweet corn seeds for planting:

Sweet corn is a temperature-loving crop. The seeds germinate when the soil temperature is 12 to 15°C. The germination temperature range is 12 to 38°C. After emergence, frost damage occurs when the seedlings encounter a short period of low temperatures of -3 to -2°C, but they can still resume growth. It will freeze to death at -4°C.
During the seedling stage, the average daytime temperature cannot be lower than 17°C, and the night temperature cannot be lower than 12°C. Low average day and night temperatures of 10 to 12°C will lead to a prolonged growth period. The average temperature for root growth is 17-24℃, and the root system stops growing below 10℃. The suitable temperature for plant growth is 21-24℃. Flowering and grain development require a temperature of 25-27℃. It is a short-day crop.
It requires more water during the growth period, and the annual rainfall is required to be between 500 and 1000 mm. Especially within one month before and after heading, there should be 150 mm of rainfall, otherwise the fullness of the grains and yield will be affected.
It has a wide range of soil adaptability, but it is best to choose sandy loam soil with deep, loose, well-drained soil and rich in organic matter, with a pH of 5-8.



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