Ziziphus mauritiana seeds

Ziziphus mauritiana, evergreen trees or shrubs;


Plant: up to 15 meters tall;
Branches: Young branches are covered with yellow-gray dense hairs, and small branches are pubescent;
Leaves: Leaves are ovate, oblong-elliptic, sparsely round, 2.5-6 cm long, rounded apex, sparsely pointed, nearly rounded base, with fine teeth, below covered with yellow or grayish white hairs, with 3 veins at the base; petiole 0.5-1.3 cm long, covered with gray-yellow dense tomentose, 2 stipule spines;
Flowers: several or more than 10 flowers in axillary dichomes; peduncle 2-4 mm long, covered with gray-yellow tomentose; sepals ovate-triangular, hairy; petals oblong, spatulate, clawed; stamens close to petals equal length;
Fruit: Drupe is oblong or spherical, 1-1.2 cm long, about 1 cm in diameter, orange or red, black when ripe, calyx tube persists; fruit stalk is 5-8 mm long, pubescent; mesocarp is corky. , the endocarp is leathery;



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