Zygophyllum mucronatum seeds

Zygophyllum coccineum


Perennial herbs;
Plant: 15-25 cm tall;
Root: Root woody;
Stem: The stem is multi-branched, lying or spreading, with furrows and prickles;
Leaves: The stipules are triangular, with membranous edges and thin lobes. The petiole and rachis have flat wings, with pairs as wide as the leaflets; leaflets 2-3 pairs, strip-shaped or strip-oblong, about 1 cm long, apex thorn tip;
Flowers: 1-2 axillary flowers, pedicels 2-5 mm long; 5 sepals, narrowly obovate or oblong, 5-8 mm long, 3-4 mm wide; 5 petals, obovate, slightly longer than the sepals, the upper part is almost white , the lower part is orange-red, and the base gradually narrows into a claw; the stamens are longer than the petals, the anthers are oblong and orange, and the scales are half as long as the filaments;
Fruit: Capsule lanceolate, cylindrical, slightly 5-ridged, apex acuminate or pointed, pendulous, ovary with 5 cells, 1-4 seeds per cell; seeds oval or ovate, yellowish brown, with dense holes;
Seeds: Seeds are oval or egg-shaped, yellowish brown, with dense holes on the surface;



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