What are 3 factors for growing sun flower successfully?

A. Sun flower seeds preparation before sowing

Specifically, meteorological factors such as sunshine, air, air temperature, ground temperature, rainfall, and wind, as well as meteorological disasters such as drought, low temperature and cold damage, frost, rain and waterlogging will directly affect the growth and yield of sunflower flowers.

After sowing sunflower seeds, the ground temperature,soil and humidity are suitable, and the seeds can germinate and emerge when the minimum needs can be met.

1. How to choose best sunflower seeds?

1.1. Germination potential and germination rate of sunflower seeds:

  • The germination rate reaches the standard (not less than 90%) and the germination potential is strong, which indicates that the seedlings will emerge quickly, neatly and strong. If the germination rate reaches the standard (not less than 90%) and the germination is weak, it means that the emergence of seedlings is uneven and there are many weak seedlings. The number of days to measure the germination potential and germination rate of sunflower seeds: the germination potential is 7 days and the germination rate is 10 days.

1.2. Ingredients of sun flower seeds coating agent:

  • The active ingredient of Shileshi is 2.5% fludioxonil suspended seed coating agent, and the active ingredient of Jinaplon is 35% refined metalaxyl suspended seed coating agent.

1.3. Drying the sunflower seeds before sowing

  • On a sunny and windless day, spreading the seeds out in the sun for 1 to 2 days can effectively improve the germination potential of the seeds.

1.4. Chemical seed dressing

  • In order to prevent underground pest damage during and after emergence, chemical seed dressing is required. Traditional pharmaceuticals include 50% phoxim EC and 40% isosaphos-methyl EC, but isosaphos-methyl is now banned. At present, most of the seeds are dressed with thiamethoxam compound insecticide or seed coating agent, such as: 22% phenylene ether, chlorpyrifos and thiamethoxam suspended seed coating agent, 40% thiamethoxam and chlorpyrifos seed treatment microcapsule suspension, etc.

2. What will be the right time to sowing sunflower seeds?

2.1. Determination of sowing time:

Reasonably determine the appropriate sowing time based on the growth period of the variety and the local effective accumulated temperature.

Machine harvesting of sunflower seeds

Consider the following aspects:

  • Ensure that the planted sun flower varieties mature normally;
  • Try to avoid late frost during the emergence and seedling stages to avoid the effects of low-temperature chilling damage and freezing damage;
  • Avoid hot and dry winds or humid rainy seasons during the flowering period to help improve sunflower fruiting;
  • Sunflower avoids or reduces the adverse effects of low temperature, lack of sunlight, and high humidity during the seed filling period;
Sunflower seed screening

2.2 Sowing temperature and times of sunflower seeds

  • Sunflowers can generally be sown when the temperature of the 15 cm soil layer is stable at around 18°C.
  • Different countries and regions have different sowing times of sunflower seeds. The best sowing dates are from May 25 to June 10, from mid-to-late April to early May, and from the end of May to early to mid-June.
Sunflower flower sea

3.Planting density of sun flower

Usually refers to the number of plants planted with crops per unit area of land, generally expressed as “plants/667m2” or “plants/acre”.

3.1. Sunflowers are tall crops, and reasonable dense planting is an effective measure to increase sunflower yields. Regarding reasonable dense planting, you can refer to the following suggestions:

  • ① Plant tall varieties sparsely and short varieties densely;
  • ② Plant varieties with a long growth period sparsely, and plant varieties with a short growth period densely;
  • ③ Plant sparsely those with long petioles and large leaves, and densely plant those with short petioles and small leaves;
  • ④ Plant sparsely in low-fertility areas and densely in high-fertility areas;
  • ⑤ Planting habits and yield and commercial expectations in different regions. For example, Gansu region expects high yields and should be planted appropriately. In the Chifeng area, it is expected that the grains will be large and full, and planting should be appropriately sparse.
sunflower seedling planting

3.2. Calculation method of planting density

  • ① Density = 666.7÷ (row spacing × plant spacing);
  • ② Plant spacing = (666.7÷density)÷row spacing.

3.3. Planting density of sunflower in different producing areas:

Take China sunflower seeds suppliers planting factory base as an example, Xinjiang: about 1800 plants/mu, Gansu: 2000~1800 plants/mu, western Inner Mongolia: 1800~1600 plants/mu, Chifeng and Tongliao: 900~1100 plants/mu.

Sunflower Experimental Field

4.Sowing depth of sunflower seeds

  • Regardless of the soil type or planting method, it is necessary to follow: “It is better to plant shallowly than to plant deeply.” Generally, it can be controlled at 2~3cm.

B. Seedling management from china sunflower seeds suppliers:

1.Germination process of sunflower seeds

After the seed germinates, the radicle first protrudes from the seed coat and extends into the soil to form a main root. Then the hypocotyl elongates and pushes the cotyledons and embryo out of the soil. Emergence period: refers to the date when 75% of the seedlings’ cotyledons emerge from the field.

  • 1.1. For summer sown sunflowers, 6 to 8 days after sowing, and for spring sown sunflowers, 8 to 10 days after emergence, check the emergence status in time. If there are holes in the film, seedlings should be released in time, preferably before 11:00 in the morning and after 14:00 in the afternoon. If a seedling shortage is found, the cause of the seedling shortage must be found out in time.
Sunflower evaluation, screening, proportion, etc.

2.Reasons for lack of sunflower seedlings:

  • ① Seeds become moldy and deteriorate (the seeds themselves become moldy, the soil temperature is low, and the soil moisture is high);
  • ② No seeds were found (missed sowing or eaten by birds);
  • ③ Damage after seed germination (wireworms, grubs);
  • ④ The cotyledons are damaged after being unearthed (damaged by cutworms, sparrows, and rabbits);
  • ⑤ Seedlings die (mole crickets, salt damage, fertilizer damage, herbicide residues, etc.);
  • ⑥ Rainfall after sowing causes “seedlings caught in the soil” (soil with high clay content and heavy saline-alkali);
  • ⑦ Uneven moisture (dry sowing and wet dripping are uneven);
  • ⑧ The seeds are sown deeply (“the cellar is deep”).

Remedy the above reasons for lack of seedlings in a timely manner to ensure that the seedling emergence rate reaches more than 85%.

sunflower harvest season

C. Cultivating and weeding of sun flower

  • The purpose of cultivating and weeding is to improve soil conditions, store water and moisture, eliminate weeds, and create good conditions for the growth and development of sunflowers.
  • 1~2 For the true leaf stage, shallow cultivating, loosening the soil, and shoveling weeds in the rows. At the same time, observe whether there are insect pests (such as: cutworms, exigua exigua, two-spotted firefly beetles, ladybugs, Mongolian weevils, etc.). If insect damage is found, spray cyfluthrin and other insecticides in a timely manner.
sunflower seeds planting base
  • 2~3 For the true leaf stage, timely establish seedlings, till and loosen the soil, and remove weeds between ridges. It has good effects on moisture conservation, drought prevention and promoting seedling growth.
  • Before sealing the ridges, deep plow and cultivate the soil, and combine it with top dressing (especially for clay soil, deep application of urea, potassium sulfate, etc.). In addition, the saline-alkali land is given the first water in this situation.

For more information on sunflower seeds for planting, welcome to visit Luteseeds, China sunflower seeds suppliers.


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